little bundles of different types of telegraph tape
Originally uploaded by crunchcandy
Hello hello?
I've been sat reading back over my blog for the last few hours, searching for artists to use in my MA Project, and i've realised I really should give you some indication that i'm still alive.
At the moment i'm 3 weeks away from the deadline for the first draft of my MA final project and work is going...slowly. I am creating an exhibition proposal for a show that features visual artists who use traditional craft techniques and skills to create their work. I have really battled with this part of my MA, it was a huge struggle to come up with a project that would be suitable for the course and i'm not 100% convinced i'm there yet.
What else has been keeping me from you?
An exhibition (Down There Among the Roots) that I co-curated with my class at Newlyn Art Gallery was previewed in the Guardian Guide- it runs until July 9th so you have a couple of weeks left to catch it
Living by the sea is great- I went swimming yesterday afternoon when the weather got too hot for me, the water was cold and I was a bit surprised by how big the waves were, but I had a great time swimming out to see and looking back on the beach. A few weeks ago I got the ferry over to St Mawes with Chipfork and we swam there too in calmer, but colder, water. My desire for wild swimming was kick-started again by the lovely Dr Alice Roberts in a programme about wild swimming that I watched on iplayer this week. I have plans to go back to the pool in the quarry that I swam in last summer before I moved down to Cornwall.
Until next time...
I am too jealous of your sea swim I am literally melting here!
3 weeks! eeep! good luck! I am sure whatever you write will be ace :)
Envy your swimming, it's what I miss most through M.E. Great good luck with getting the draft ready by the deadline, I was always a bit of a last minute panic person with that sort of thing. Wah, late nights, red bull, and the treat at the end... stir fried veggies in black bean sauce from the Chinese restaurant near college.
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