Monday, January 26, 2009


Claire Elizabeth Platt

Today I had a meeting with my partner in crime Claire. We are exhibiting together in May and are trying to be super organised with our press and making sure that we are somehow cohesive despite the fact she makes WWII planes and I make things from old hankies. I think it's going to come together really nicely and I spent the bus ride home thinking of words that have meaning for both of us, and doodling ideas for posters and so forth. Working with someone else is really good for me i've discovered- I am a natural born collaborator, and although this show will be us presenting our individual work in a shared space, it's so good to have a partner in these plans for world domination. We've got plans for a few more joint ventures ahead of us- but are always looking out for new projects, so if you can think of something the 'Calm Air All Ice' team might tackle let us know.

1 comment:

Bettyjoy said...

I love those planes - good luck with the exhibition:)