Thursday, August 07, 2008


we won an inflatable parrot

Last week, when the pier burnt down, little did I know it would lead to me discovering the blogs of three other residents of this seaside town I like to call home. Let me introduce you to:

Fiona Kelly, Solorn at The Sleeping Dragon and Laura at Creations and Rumination. For a long time i'd thought I was the only blogger in town, what a nice surprise to discover three other crafty ladies all blogging about making stuff in one form or another (I get the impression that all three of them might actually make more than I do).


Laura said...

Thanks so much for being so nice about my blog! :)
I'm also very happy that I've discovered yours.

Anonymous said...

I was delighted to be found and to find you. I don't know about the making more things than you though ;o)

I didn't know about Solorn's blog so I'm off for a read now...

Laura said...

Its lovely to find likeminded folks on your doorstep. I just found out the other night that one of my neighbours has an Etsy shop!