Monday, May 28, 2007

I'm having a techonological breakdown

I wanted to write about what a lovely time i've had over the weekend, visiting friends and family of dear Miss_Jen in Chichester. But instead I am wound up and stressed about the fact I haven't been able to get into my flickr account, or my yahoo mail account since Friday morning. I've got so much that I need to access in that yahoo account it's making me super stressed out, especially as it seems to be impossible to find a human being to answer some questions for me.

edit: turns out my account has been hacked, it's not just me being ditzy. My ebay account is now registered to someone in Texas and all my info has been changed on my email accounts, meaning I can't retrieve my password etc. So if you've had strange email from me then it's probably a safe bet that it wasn't from me at all. Drop me a comment and i'll add you to my new list of email addresses over at hotmail.

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