Saturday, October 09, 2010

Girls and Boys

here I am

This afternoon I am spending my time sat in the 'here and now' shop in Falmouth, surrounded by artwork from friends and from people who update their blogs far more regularly than me. It's really nice to get a chance to look at all the amazing stock in here and see people's reactions to it (although I don't really understand the person who just came in looking for something to fit a frame- didn't seem to matter what it was as long as it fit the frame). The here shop and gallery in Bristol is now 7 years old, i'm sure I posted something along these lines last year and the year before about how amazing it is that something that was started as part of Ladyfest in an empty shop has gone on to become an O'Leary business empire! Ben and Kate each stock their own shops with much of the same things, but it's cute to see that the Falmouth shop is a bit more girly than Ben's shop in Bristol.

who's that peeking out?

cute sausage dog by Karin Soderquist

Despite the fact I can't seem to keep this blog updated i'm soon going to be setting up a new one to act as my research log as I embark on my MA in curatorial practice. I need to come up with a name for it, and to have a bit of a think about how it's going to function. I like the idea of using a blog to record my research as i'll be able to link directly to images/websites etc etc without having to print pages and pages of information from the internet. At the same time however I think I shall be keeping a paper record of my reading and experiences viewing galleries and exhibitions, I want something that exists physically as well as in cyber space. Watch this space...

1 comment:

Keith Ramsey said...

That sounds good. You can never have too many blogs.