Saturday, August 22, 2009

The association of Finnish Printmakers


As we were walking towards the Design Museum in Helsinki I stopped to photograph this old chemists sign. It was only when I looked down from the camera I noticed that this was actually the doorway to a small art gallery that is the headquarters of the Association of Finnish Printmakers.

Screen prints at Gallery G by Maria Matikka

These life sized paper dolls by Maria Matikka dominated the second room of the gallery and lead to me making some ooohs and ahhhs.

Outi Koivisto

In the first room was a bed laid out with this crocheted blanket on it- one part of it was faded, as if by the sun, or something more sinister perhaps.

Here's some info about the gallery from their website

GALLERIA G is an art gallery maintained by the Association of Finnish Printmakers. The programme is diverse, focusing on graphic arts and artworks on paper, but the gallery also exhibits paintings, photographs, sculptures and installations.

Address Pieni Roobertinkatu 10, FIN- 00120 HELSINKI

tel. +358 9 700 285 01, galleria.g(at)

Opening hours: Tue, Thu - Fri 11 - 5 p.m., Wed 11 - 6 p.m., Sat - Sun 12 - 4 p.m.


Karen said...

those paper dolls are AMAZING. I want one, no two!

chiaroscuro said...

the paperdolls are really fantastic!