Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I just saw this on Kitsune Noir (where i've been downloading a free desktop each week by the way) and now i'm hooked. I have a feeling I saw this ages ago (in internet times) but it's good to take a look at the freakiness of it again.

Normal programming will be resumed shortly (soon as i've got that song out of my head)


/// said...

Oh this is so fun! :)

Camilla said...

There's millions (well maybe 5 or 6) other adverts if you search on YouTube!

Gaina said...

That's very cute but incredibly creepy at the same time. The Japanese are quite good at this, I've noticed. :P

My Friend who blogs on 'Screw Bronze' just had a holiday in Japan and it's completely dampened my desire to go there! haha