Sunday, January 06, 2008

Project 365

jan 5th

I'll be posting the odd photo from Project 365 on here, but if you want to see each and every day I take a photo of then they will all be posted over here, on my old livejournal. I think i'll try and do a weekly mosaic of my photos over here because i'm sure some days they won't be photos that worth seeing and I don't want to fill this journal up with a million (ok 365+1) photos that aren't very interesting. Hopefully i'll do better at this daily project than i've done at Crafting 365.

1 comment:

Gaina said...

I know the NHS are short staffed but isn't allowing blue Octopi to deliver babies whilst balancing tea-cups on their heads a little risky?


It's nearly wednesday! I'm sooo looking forward to being back in the classroom **bounces**. My panels are done, and looking a bit sexy even if I say so myself.