Monday, September 03, 2007

A million little doll faces

20 brooches all bagged up

Well it feels like a million! I don't know what would happen if I ever had a seriously big order for these little sweeties come in, i've just finished up sewing the brooch backs onto 20 of my spooky doll face brooches, ready to head off to a new life in a new shop in Germany. Sewing the brooch backs on is always my least favourite part, so I often end up with a huge pile of faces, but none with the brooch part on. I really should learn to do little and often I think.

Bugs and Fishes, Crafting 365 group over on Flickr might help me with this goal- we are asked to post one photo a day of whatever craft/art related project you have worked on that day. Hopefully i'll be encouraged and disciplined enough to keep up with it (i've only made one post so far) as I really plan to step up production in Made by Milla land.

I've also been playing about over on 'We love Etsy' today and have updated my profile on the site- its a social networking site just for people who love Etsy, if you love Etsy maybe you should sign up too?!

It's been a strange few days- my sister went into labour yesterday and we're still waiting to see if there's going to be a new boy, or a new girl in the family- i'm keeping my fingers crossed for a girl as it'll be my first niece! Either way i'm sure it will be lovely, and hopefully tomorrow i'll get to meet it at last (I wish it would hurry up).


Beki - TheRustedChain said...

That's a lot of doll faces! :)

j said...

a new baby- absolutely the happiest news. I will head on over to the Etsy site, see what's going on.