Sunday, April 15, 2007


The colours for April and May's Project Spectrum are green:


and yellow:

Ok so that last image I picked because of the pink, rather than the yellow, but it seems that yellow isn't a colour that features very much in my life. The top image is one of the screenprinted blue tits I did last year (green), the middle image shows two of my spooky doll face brooches (available on etsy, and representing the colour pink) and the bottom image is one of the paintings I did last year- it's based on a polaroid photo I took one night of a cafe on the seafront. I loved it when I did it, but now I'm not at all sure and wouldn't mind getting it off my hands.

Right now I should be busy working on a top secret project (similar to the last top secret project I had, which is reviewed here by Not Martha), finishing some sketchbook work for college (or should that be starting some?) and taking my clothes off the washing line, instead I find myself here on the internet again.

1 comment:

Cally said...

LOVE your blue tit print!!!

Hard to imagine you eating your sarnies in a layby, your comment was funny.