Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sale time!

Fundraising for Falmouth

1. look at all the stuff!, 2. back wall of gallery, 3. cakes will go on the pink table, 4. corner of the gallery, 5. zines and comics, 6. stockings, ornaments and teapots, 7. 78s, and VHS, 8. aprons and skirts and 80s duvet covers, 9. cushions and comics, 10. childrens books and magazines, 11. wall of creepy big eyed kid paintings, 12. setting up the book stall, 13. weird ceramic tree thing, 14. lovely perpetual calendar, 15. Nara toy, 16. knitting girl, 17. striped top boy, 18. Fire companion set, 19. Red dress, 20. Balloon pump, 21. You'll be so popular in Arizona, 22. Tea set that I shall be parting with on Saturday, 23. 6 piece tea set in original box, 24. Picnic set, 25. Picnic set

If you are anywhere near Bristol tomorrow, and not busy enjoying yourself at Pride, then please pop along and say hello to me as I try and part with lots of my belongings. There shall be cakes made by the talented Lucy Adams, collectable treasures from The Kitsch and Curious Elaine  a raffle of wonderful prizes donated by lovely friends and the chance to also spend your money upstairs in the shop if you don't spend it all buying my belongings. Sorry, ex-belongings...must learn to let go... 
There was talk of making a 'fee-o-meter' with my happy face at the top and my sad, penniless face at the bottom, but I think after spending at least 3 hours setting up today we have run out of steam.  My plan was for an early night tonight, but here I am at quarter past midnight still looking for things to sell. 

find me:

108 stokes croft
bs1 3ru

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