Friday, March 19, 2010

Book making workshop

A couple of weeks ago I took part in a book binding workshop. I've made lots of zines in the past, and played around with making artist books etc, but i'd never been taught how to make a 'proper' book. I took lots of photos (which I hope I haven't just bored you with) and lots of notes, and now I want to make lots and lots more books. I especially like the idea of making books from all the prints that i've made and not been 100% happy with- I missed out on the chance to throw anything into The Art Bin, so maybe I can just destroy my work this way instead? I'm a hoarder and a collector of stuff, but i'm also very interested in the idea of destroying things that I own in a bid to free myself from the clutter. I'm fighting a constant fight against paper and ornaments in my house and I want to find a way to rescue myself, whilst at the same time turning it into art. I don't think I could ever go as far as Landy did with 'Break Down' and destroy everything I owned, but it's good to start somewhere...


claire platt said...

ooo! I love that idea of using your unwanted prints! I think they'd look amazing!

Colouring Outside The Lines said...

I wanna learn how to do this properly too x