Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Soft Ground Etching

Oh Hell Yeah

I'm still coughing and spluttering, but now it seems like everyone else around me is too, so at least I have company. Here's an etching I did the other week- we are trying out all kinds of techniques on one tiny plate- this was soft ground etching, and today I added some hard ground etching to it (which i'll be able to show you next week). It's been fun to just play around and see what kind of marks can be made- I did some etching many many years ago and really liked it, despite the fact you have to s-l-o-w right down for it. I also did some monotype today as well, which didn't work out the way I planned, possibly because I hadn't really expected to be doing it and need to spend a bit longer thinking about it before I go ahead and dive straight in.

At the moment I feel like I am seriously behind on so many things- I am very behind on reading other people's blogs, answering emails, answering comments, drawing, zine making, reading books and making art. I blame the cold partly, but also the fact that all of a sudden there's been an upswing in my social life and i've had visits from friends, performances to go to and exhibitions to visit.

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