Sorry it's been a while without photos- i've got so many things to share with you I'm not sure where to start. Perhaps I should work backwards?
Not the most exciting photo I know- but considering it has taken over a year to strip the wallpaper (about three layers) from my hall wall, this is an exciting day for me. Mum and Dad helped out today getting the last bits off the wall, including taking the mirror off the wall and exposing '1962', so now I have no excuse not to paint and screw the light switch back in place. It probably could've been done in about a day if i'd been a different kind of person- but I think a year is a reasonable length of time for one wall- it gives me something to work towards, at this rate i'll have projects to keep me busy for many years to come! Now I just need to fill in some holes, do some sanding and repaint the whole thing...should be done by this time next year I expect.
I have a kitchen and bathroom to strip wallpaper from and I'm so not looking forward to it. It will probably take me a year, too :)
We've got a hall ceiling to fix and strip a load of lovely woodchip wallpaper off. I'm waiting for my Mum! You don't want to rush into these things!
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