Sunday, June 29, 2008

This best op shop find


Betty Jo at Lino Forest came up with the theme for this weeks 'this is...' While we don't have Op shops, or even Thrift stores here we do have chazzer shops. (Or Charity Shops if you prefer (which actually I do)). I found this fabric for £1- there was enough to make myself a dress or two, it's in fantastic condition considering it's age- I suspect it was wrapped up somewhere and never used until I came along.

hall of mirrors

A small selection from my hall of mirrors. I pick up these mirrors wherever I can- the one on the right is a family heirloom (well it used to hang in my mum and dad's house). It's really dark where my stairs are so I thought that adding the mirrors might bring some more light into the space.

You can check out what other people's best op-shop finds are by taking a look at the list of participants over on Three Buttons.


Gaina said...

Just never have a mirror facing your front door, ok? It 'bounces' the Chi straight back out again. :)

My Dad's a £1 shop freak too, you should challenge him to a bargain hunt. haha.

mill said...

I like your wall of mirrors! Nice!

Betty Jo said...

The fabric is gorgeous!
I love your hall of mirrors(I have a gold version of the black convex mirror). I had to chuckle at the term chazzer shop. It sounds so Australian.

.girl ferment. said...

Love the fabric and mirrors.

Julia said...

Love your hall of mirrors...the bare plaster reflected in the heirloom one is just an added bonus! I'm so nosy!

Karen said...

the fabric is gorgeous. Hope you are feeling better.

Sherrin said...

I love the mirrors! What a great idea.

Sasparilla Sue said...

I'm a mirror fanatic, and pick them up whenever I find a good one. I really like all four of those but that one with the black scroll-y metal around it is awesome!

Juddie said...

ooooh! LOVE the fabric! And your mirrors look great too :-)

Sharon said...

I love you mirrors, they're the only thing I ever find in Charity shops -and I never find decent fabric like that!!

Anonymous said...

That fabric is great! What a find - and only £1 too!

Lexi:: PottyMouthMama said...

Wow that fabric is gorgeous. Would love to see the dresses! And the wall of mirrors, beautiful. What a pretty idea.