Monday, March 31, 2008

Project 365 March

March 08

I missed two days in March, nearly missed a whole bunch more but somehow managed to limit it to two. Tomorrow Claudia and I are starting a new challenge for ourselves- she's come up with a set of rules for us to stick to for a week based on a photo composition workshop she's been doing. If anyone else is doing project 365 and wants to join in here's what she came up with:

1) Rule of Thirds (golden section)
2) Diagonal Rule
3) Simplicity
4)Contrast (ex: blue and yellow)
6) Leading lines rule
7) well...we could do something like anarchy (no rule)!!!

Now i've got to get myself a bit organised so I actually remember to stick to this!


claudia said...

You can do it :)

/// said...

Oh nooooo--- I did lose your info in the webosphere! :(

Will you do the next zine? I remember being in LOVE with your photo!!!