Friday, January 12, 2007

Proud owner of 54a

not my potato
Originally uploaded by crunchcandy.
You may remember that last year me and a couple of friends took over an allotment. Well despite setting up our allotment support group , things didn't get off to a very good start. The site was two bus rides away from my house and all in all I just wasn't able to get to it very often. Or at all.

So it was great to get the news, last week, that I had a place on the site just five minutes walk down the road from my house. Today I wrapped up warm and went to meet the site representative and discover which plot would be my own. I had dreams of finding that i'd be taking over a well tended plot, complete with shed, but as you can see it's rather more like taking over a weedy, soggy patch of ground with no shed. However! The plot was used by someone last year, so it's in relatively good shape. It has a willow tree on the edge of it, all the neighbouring plots are kept by women and the water tank is just at the end of the path. Best of all, Nadine, whose space I looked after in the summer, is just two plots away from me- so I shall be able to swap tips and cups of tea with her when the weather gets better.
Now it's time to go back to the books and start planning what I want to grow...

ps- I created a new blog just for the allotment: muddy with milla

1 comment:

shadows and clouds said...

good luck with your allotment work! sounds like it will be fun! my man has been tending our allotment for 2 years now, and this year is the year that i should start being an active participant too (enough with my procrastinating!) have lots of fun!! by the way, lush, living by the sea (sigh...) :)